We are a metropolitan church, where the power of fellowship is particularly strong. We take great care of our values, so that love, respect, honor, and unity would continue to grow and be the center of all our gatherings and events. Our desire is for a community that is made up of relationships that are built on love, that is soaked by sincerity and the love of God and are completely free from hypocrisy.
Our goal is to reach every age group of our society with our message. Therefore, we shape our programs and micro-communities, in such a way that everyone can find their place from babies through kids, teens, youth, those in their active years all to way to our elderly.
Our leadership seeks to provide a wide field of vision and space so that even the exceptional artists, great thinkers, doers, and builders of our society can take root and blossom, reaching ever greater hights while experiencing a great freedom in our shared vision.
ISTENTISZTELETEK: vasárnap 10:00 | 18:00
ÉLŐ KÖZVETÍTÉS: vasárnap 16:00
1132 Budapest, Kádár utca 8. (pincehelység)